Covid-19 Notice

Thank you for visiting our website.

I thought I’d let you know our position on the whole Coronavirus situation.

We are a small business but are fully committed to fulfilling our orders so as long as our postal workers are delivering our mail then we will do our best to get your tea out to you.

Please be aware that we are small so it’s going to be a solo effort for the next wee while and I’m also having to juggle child care which will become harder when the schools close.

I ask if possible to email any queries or orders in as I may not be offering the same level of phone cover as I’d like.

I will try to get orders out as soon as I can but I please ask for your patience with this as it may take longer.

We are a small warehouse and we are keeping on top of all the guidance on keeping things clean – washing our hands and work surfaces often. We are not a shop and so don’t have any footfall coming into our packing area. It is isolated.

If you have any questions then please contact me – – and I’ll get back to you.

Thank you for being a great customer and for buying our tea. Without you I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing so thanks.

Let’s stick together and we’ll get through this!

Take care,
